Sunday, August 18, 2013

Soggy weather

     July was not really interesting, either as a month or medically in my life.  For most of July It rained or was hot, and frequently it was both.  But medically it was boring.

   I would do the quarterly blood work for my post-cancer protocol.  There would be no follow-up  phone calls indicating a problem.   I would see my family doctor to get my Crestor prescription refilled.  Aside from 14 hours of fasting, there was no issues with that blood work either.   And I would get an x-ray of my left hand, because I was complaining of soreness.

  It's probably arthritis. It's probably nothing.  It's probably the fact that I'm over 50 and hyper aware of my aches and pains.  The cancer may be gone. It's probably gone, but the doubts remain.  So now every little ache leaves me wondering if it's something dreadful working it's way back into my life.  Am I to be forever scared? 

  So July passes to August,  my tests are all negative, and I'm scheduled for more tests:   a CT scan in September.   Then a meeting with the Oncologist in October.  My monthly calendar arranged by  medical reviews.  I promise myself to watch my diet and exercise 'more often'.   My entire exercise regimen consists of walking or bike riding.   My 'gut feeling' is that my health is best served monitoring my caloric intake first before  trying to sweat it off. 

  I don't have any fun medical things planned for August.  The last bits of my Cancer Protocol  seem to be winding down.  The more boring medically, the better life is.  Pretty soon there won't be anything left to write about, and my blogging "daze" will draw to a close.  Then I can spend all my time doing much more useful things, like complaining about what soggy weather we're having.


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